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Permanent LinkAug 3, 2022 
:tongue: (WWW) Some job searches have started including busking and street performing as a viable means of employment. On an updated career page, an article by Brett Helling discusses definitions, salary, qualifications, responsibilities, skills, working conditions, experience, and employers.
Walk-by acts: buskers perform their act continuously for a long time. This happens mostly with musicians and mimers who perform their repertoire while people walk by them. Occasional passers-by stop to hear a song or two but no defined audience forms.

Circle acts: these acts work more like a “show” and have a distinct beginning, middle, and a grand finale ending. The performers first attract a crowd that will stand in a circle around them to watch the show. Circle acts are well suited for theatre, dance, acrobatics, magic, etc...

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 Viewed 2157 times

Permanent LinkJul 4, 2022 
:spotlight: (WWW) It seems the organization 'Ranking4You' has taken on the task of presenting buskers for your approval. In "Top 20 Street Performers", they examine Dea Matrona, Kylabelle, Jesica Doolan, Zoe Clarke, Hannah Kinsella and Caseto.
This time around, they visit Grafton Street - one of the two main shopping streets in downtown Dublin. They also visit streets in LA, Colorado, Belfast, Stockholm, Northeast Brazil and Sinchon/Seoul.

"Our intention is to publicize the work of the artists that you guys present to us, that reach us and that we consider to be of good quality, regardless of whether or not they are known to the general public. Don't get us wrong but our purpose is to promote timeless performances that can inspire old and new street artists and touch the audience."


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 Viewed 2643 times

Permanent LinkJun 15, 2022 
:clown: (FLORIDA, USA) It seems the conservative state of Florida has become more liberal when it comes to cities finding and hiring buskers to compliment their downtown business districts.
The island of Key West has always come first with it's Mallory Square street performers. Then, there's Pensacola and even Clearwater. Within the past few years, even Fort Lauderdale has jumped on the bandwagon. Now, the city of Gainsville is seeking input and promoting buskers out of it's coffers.

Follow the link below for more information.




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Permanent LinkApr 2, 2022 
:tiphat: (WWW) eBay.com has pages of busker memorabilia available for listening and home decor. Add to your collection of records, vintage photos, art, sculpture, statues, books, playing cards, mime, articles, collages, bell ringers, figurines, stories, and just about anything else you can think of.
Notable items include the Cambridge Buskers, Stars of the Streets, the Busker's Album, and the Beale Street Buskers. Some news articles go back as far as 1919.

Keep in mind thaat the some records are outdated 45's and lp's that will need a turntable to play.

The photo featured here is a pre-war busker in Newport, Rhode Island and is listed for $5000!

Click the link below for some amazing items.

:pointlol: ...

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 Viewed 6076 times

Permanent LinkMar 1, 2022 
:party: (WWW) In these days of pandemics and wars, what better way than busking to get people's minds off the problems of the world? Buskers are the chosen ones when it comes to this now even more difficult task. Performers all over the world can take heart that they're doing the right thing - especially in these trying times.
Most buskers are talented muses from jazz thru hip hop thru classical, Latin, and folk and rock music even playing some blues standards for fans in the know.

Parks can be more open to busking. It helps to know that North Carolina's Busker's Day welcomes select buskers from across the state to play music throughout the Museum Park. These kind of sidewalk attractions can only create a more vibrant community.

"To seek a more perfect pitch", as it were, is part the Busker constitution -...

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Bwana Busker

Joined: Jan 1, 2005
Posts: 52
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