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Permanent LinkFeb 2, 2022 
:tongue: (WWW) "AllTheRooms.com is made up of a range of travelers who have lived, worked, and partied in all areas of the planet. We research the best places and most important tips for all types of globetrotters looking to scratch their wanderlust itch."
"In all our ambition and industriousness, Americans have found some interesting ways to make a dollar. Take a stroll through any of the country’s bustling downtown metropolises and you’re bound to find someone dancing, singing, fiddling, acting, magic-wielding, fire breathing, or sword swallowing their way to stardom."

Some cities include New Orleans, New York, San Francisco, Seatttle, and Venice beach.

Click the link below for some surprises.

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 Viewed 4326 times

Permanent LinkJan 1, 2022 
:horn: (WWW) An article at roland.com has what's regarded as the 12 Golden Rules of busking for the UK community.
"When it goes badly, busking in modern Britain is no picnic and can present some pretty serious challenges from sunburn and on-the-spot fines to abuse and even arrest."

Some of the "Golden Rules" are standard fare for busking yet are often forgotten. It never hurts to review the basics and even expand on the fundamentals of successful busking.

In a nutshell, the 12 are:

#1. Sort the paperwork
#2. Choose your pitch wisely
#3. Don't hog the best spots
#4. Avoid no busk zones
#5. Don't actively ask for money
#6. Spread yourself
#7. Don't get on people's nerves
#8. Trade your wares
#9. Pack a gigbag
#10. Loosen their wallets
#11. Grin and bear it
#12. Use it as an apprenticeship

For deeper insight...

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 Viewed 5601 times

Permanent LinkDec 4, 2021 
:spotlight: (LONDON) A lot of cities have their individual busking requirements to satisfy city hall. However, it seems London's busking code is more complete than others and could be used as a benchmark for general busking.
City Hall said the rules, which cover where to busk, avoids complaints, money collection, and resolving problems. It's aim is to make busking and street performance easier for everyone.

"Busking adds to the capital’s joie de vivre but in spite of its popularity buskers have sometimes encountered problems when plying their trade. Some have even been put off.

Working with our partners, we are putting a scythe through the acres of unnecessary bureaucracy to make it easier to entertain on our city’s streets.

We want to make London the busking capital of the world.”

Click the link ...

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Permanent LinkNov 2, 2021 
:artist: (ENGLAND) Banksy is a pseudonymous England-based street artist, political activist, and film director. His real name and identity remain unconfirmed and the subject of speculation. He has also made good from his collection of "Illegal Art". First displaying work on walls for buskers, the movement has blossomed into an artform unto itself.
Presenting art in Bristol along with artists like "3D" and "Broken Brain", the movement's attitude can be seen in his film "Exit through the gift shop". Watching some of the films, one can't help but chuckle at the absurdity of Banksy.

Using stencils and computers, Banksy approaches 3D from different perspectives. However, many artworks have been vandalized, painted over, or destroyed.

Banksy's works have dealt with various...

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Permanent LinkOct 1, 2021 
:violin: (HONG KONG) A social-psychological study by the College of Professional and Continuing Education has shown some intriguing results when it comes to perceptions of public space.
An affiliate of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the study revealed that public space was perceived as more restorative with street performance than without street performance. In addition, people who had engaged with street performance in the space perceived the space as more visitable, more restorative, and more preferable than people who had not engaged with street performance.

This can have an interesting and dynamic influence when it comes to public policy-making. When updating areas in need of an overhaul, busking and street performing can only help in restoring run-down regions.

Some scientific assumptions and limitations...

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Bwana Busker

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