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Permanent LinkJul 2, 2023 
:spotlight: (SEATTLE) Believe it or not, buskers can end up in the strangest of good fortune. It's happened before and it will happen again. All it takes are some good busking skills and a little luck.
Enter Whitney Monge - a busker in Seattle's famed Pike Place market. She soon found herself making more money busking than working at the big corporate coffee shop down the street.

Whitney spent over eight years at the market and, although having moved on, still considers it "100% home". She also had to weather the pandemic experience.

What's Whitney doing these days? Nothing much - just singing and playing guitar with the Seattle symphony as part of their Essential Series.

Check out the interview and video at KNKX public radio station's website through the link below.


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 Viewed 27301 times

Permanent LinkJun 4, 2023 
:horn: (WWW) Before the advent of the internet, buskers had to figure out which songs were popular enough to perform in public. Now, we can simply surf the net and and learn in a matter of seconds.
Of course, sprinkling the list with an original here and there is always an option. But it all depends on the pitch and audience. Some songs are drunken sing-alongs and others are thoughtful hits. One thing most have in common is a upbeat rhythm.

Two lists we've found cover the "best" songs to play. One list has 31 recommendations and the other has a top 7.

TOP 7:

1. Friends in low places
2. Summer of '69
3. Sweet Caroline
4. 3a.m.
5. When I come around
6. Free Fallin'
7. Livin' on a Prayer

These are mostly 1990's songs that tend to go over well. However, the seasoned busker will have at least one song by the Beatles...

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 Viewed 26631 times

Permanent LinkMay 2, 2023 
:pointlol: (TAIWAN) A cool cat has the Internet gushing over its cuteness after it was recently seen performing with buskers.
Amazing as it is, the cat meows on cue to complete the verse of the busker's song. The crowd is filled with laughter!

After the song ends, the talented 'artiste' is carried around while the crowd applauds and cheers for it.

The video, which has been played over 27.1 million times, has received lots of love from people all over the world.

Basking in the world-wide limelight, it seems "Fat Cow" is just hitting his prime.

We'll assume he gets his fair share of fish...


Check out the video in the link below.


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Permanent LinkApr 3, 2023 
:party: (NYC) Get ready for the 15th annual BuskerBall on April 22! A celebration of New York City’s vibrant street performance culture, the event is being held at Unit J
338 Moffatt Street, Brooklyn, NY.
This unique event will feature a selection of the city’s best buskers showcasing their musical talents and highlighting the importance of street performance to the cultural fabric of the city.

The BuskerBall isn’t just about music – it’s about celebrating the vital role that street performers play in the cultural life of New York City. These artists bring joy and inspiration to our streets creating shared experiences and fostering a sense of community among city dwellers.

By supporting street performance, we can help to ensure that the arts remain accessible to all - regardless of economic status or social ba...

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Permanent LinkFeb 4, 2023 
:artist2: (CLEVELAND) Like so many other American cities, Cleveland's Downtown Alliance is making way for buskers and street performers to create a more vibrant shopping environment.
Ranging from musicians, dancers and artists alike, the Alliance wants to include mimes and comedians, puppeteers and balloon twisters.

Over twenty pitches will be available. The busker program is one of the latest initiatives from the DCA which has been trying to create more experiences downtown with other programs.

The DCA also has a guide with city rules and tips for the performers on its website. And people interested in finding buskers can check out a map of locations online.

Check out the link below to more information.


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Bwana Busker

Joined: Jan 1, 2005
Posts: 52
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