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Permanent LinkDec 9, 2008 
Bwana Busker

Joined: Jan 1, 2005
Posts: 52
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:spotlight: (BUSKING) It seems as little as ten years ago, the term "busker" or "street performer" was looked upon with disdain. Suddenly, now it's the "in" title to tell new-found friends and acquaintances. Strange as it may seem, public perception has shifted in favor of said buskers. The internet has seemed to have had a positive impact on the perception of street performers world-wide.

Wannabe buskers abound on the internet. Some sites have sections dedicated to busking. Unfortunately, once entered, one finds several performers that have only been thinking about busking but somehow never found the backbone to discard their day job to busk full-time. This may be a good thing, however, as some may not have what it takes to begin with. It would probably only add to the long lines at the unemployment office.

:violin: Some wannabees actually do perform once or twice and, in their minds, have become real buskers. Of course, the authentic busker is a nomad at heart travelling to and fro in search of the best pitches to showcase their artistic talents. Rarely are they confined in one place when there's a whole world out there in which to display their art. This is just another advantage of busking and street performing...the ability to travel when other occupations cannot possibly afford this luxury.

Let's try to remember to be kind to the wannabe buskers and street performers. We can all relate to the jittery nervousness we all had when first starting. We were concerned what others may think of us which is perfectly natural. However, once we "commit" ourselves and admit to being half crazy to begin with, everything seems to fall into place. We can then perform without inhibitions and truly earn the coveted name "busker".

:accord: The next time someone proudly announces they're a busker or street performer, simply ask where their pitch is. You may find it's only in their mind or, even safer yet, the internet.


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