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Permanent LinkJul 2, 2021 
Bwana Busker

Joined: Jan 1, 2005
Posts: 52
Blog: View Blog (205)
:sax: Busking as a musician means being vulnerable. You're standing on the pitch putting yourself out there in front of strangers exposing your personal life. Rarely do you hear any encouraging words.
Although singing lifts your spirits, not all buskers sing. We perform songs that inspired us without getting any feedback on a deeper level. To get through hard times, we need to occasionally hear positive words. Mere money in the hat doesn't actually say much except that it's a reflection of appreciation.

The following are 9 things every musician loves to hear from fans, family, friends, and the public. Believe it or not, you're actually making an impact on society regardless of where you are performing.

Follow the link below for a tongue-in-cheek revelation.
9 Things Every Musician Needs to Hear


Don't miss the Busker Central 500 Extravaganza!

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