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St. Catharines International Busker Festival by lyndesfarne on Aug 8, 2011
Website: www.stcbuskerfest.com

The inaugural St Catharines International Busker Festival will welcome artists from around the globe performing over 100 acts during the three days of the Festival. All performances will take place in downtown St Catharines with the temporary closure of James St. to Church Street, and a sweeping corridor along King Street to include Market Square. Performances are slated for six stages (5 outdoor) as buskers entertain crowds with unforgettable acts. The festival is a community event for all ages and marks the first of its kinds in the Niagara Peninsula.

Niagara Inflatables Kidz Stage will host an inflatable playground for children to welcome the youngest of us into a world of make believe. Suitcase in Point Theatre Company (SIP) along with Lyndesfarne Theatre Projects (LTP) will produce The Late Night Cabaret (Saturday, August 13, 2011) with creative staff Deanna Lynn Jones and all Buskers. Visit the website for more details!

Busker dressed as Queen headbutts policeman by BC on Sep 18, 2011
:hot: (LONDON) A frustrated busker dressed as the Queen headbutted a plain-clothed policeman once told he wasn't to busk at Trafalgar Square. The "Queen" then hit him over the head with a royal scepter made of plastic.
Thirty-one year old Romanian-born Marian Gogu, who lives in Soho, admitted assaulting PC Peter Barnett with a headbutt.

It wasn't that long ago that another street-performer dressed as Chewbacca was handcuffed and arrested in Hollywood, California when he headbutted a tour-guide. Frederick Evan Young was the Star Wars street performer in front of Grauman's Chinese Theatre. He knocked heads with the tour guide who complained about how "Chewie" was treating two tourists.

"It was quite a surprise. What they don't realize is that headbutts hurt yourself as much as the other guy,"...

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How to be a Tube Busker in London by BC on Feb 1, 2014
:therapy: (LONDON) It seems there simply aren't enough buskers in London's tube these days to satisfy the growing masses.
Also known as the underground subway, a clear and present message to the "powers that be" is rumbling around the tube. Buskers believe many more should be permitted to display their art form in the nation's capital.

As it turns out, you can now take a quick internet lesson on How to be a Tube Busker with a recent article at the Londonist.com.

There's only one thing standing in the way - "the system". Tube busking has now been legal for 10 years. The article goes into a step-by-step process that may, in the end, prove the licensing procedure to be entirely futile.

You will be judged by a 3-person jury that may or may not be qualified to determine what is art and what...

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magic table addiction by ProfGizmo on Feb 8, 2012
Is anybody as addicted to their magic table as I am? I don't seem to be able to operate without it. I've gone out a couple times without it and sucked. I ususally do 3 shell game and a Benson Bowl type routine with the table. I don't seem to have the same confidence without it. I do sharpshooter and the misers dream and a signed bill into a nest of dolls which doesn't need a table, but my show isn't as good without what I do with the table. Anybody have any similar experiences??? I would like to ditch the table and stand and just work out of a Dr. bag which would be great if the quality of show was as high. Suggestions please!!!!


Tombstone "the town to tough to die" by ticopots on Jan 1, 2012
(TOMBSTONE) The city council of Tombstone Az. may have shot itself in the foot. We have a new ordinance which reportedly goes into affect tomorrow Jan 2, 2012 this new law says that there wont be any busking allowed in the center of our little town. instead we have been relagated to and area that has far less foot traffic. Also we now must purchase a permit for $10.00 I feel I must point our that this ordinance does not solve a pressing government need. As the supreme court has dictated. I will send a copy if anyone needs it to help us. Del "Doc " Roach Street musician

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