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Tombstone "the town to tough to die" by ticopots on Jan 1, 2012
(TOMBSTONE) The city council of Tombstone Az. may have shot itself in the foot. We have a new ordinance which reportedly goes into affect tomorrow Jan 2, 2012 this new law says that there wont be any busking allowed in the center of our little town. instead we have been relagated to and area that has far less foot traffic. Also we now must purchase a permit for $10.00 I feel I must point our that this ordinance does not solve a pressing government need. As the supreme court has dictated. I will send a copy if anyone needs it to help us. Del "Doc " Roach Street musician

Book: The Busking Project by BC on Aug 1, 2014
:!: (THE BUSKING PROJECT) With a tag line of 3 writers, 5 continents, and 1 mission, the Busking Project has released a paperback book detailing some of it's exploits in the wide world of street performing.
As Busker Central continues it's book review series, we find Nick Broad, Chris Smith, and Belle Crawford. The three visit forty cities across five continents to document buskers remarking they are "universally misunderstood, under appreciated, and often criminalized."

Including some (mis)adventures, hundreds of supporters help the trio with advice, equipment, support, money, time, and encouragement in completion of the global trek. Starting in Lisbon and ending in Rio, the whole trip reveals trials and tribulations as it unfolds.

Covering 40 cities in 10 months, the plan was to visit a new city every...

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Has the "Eggman" cracked up? by BC on May 3, 2011
:surprised2: (SOUTH AFRICA) His name is Gregory da Silva - a comedian artist, storyteller, dancer and live street perfomer from Benin West Africa.
Also known locally as the "Eggman", he's a hard-boiled character known for wearing a World-Record 624 eggs on his hat.

Gaining fame in Cape Town, it now seems that the Eggman may have been traumatized after a robbery in Italy left him injured. Although you've got to break a few eggs to make an omlett, that's not what the Eggman had in mind.

But where is the Eggman today? He has seemed to have vanished after his trip to Milano vowing never to return to Cape Town, the city that sponsored him.

It now appears the Eggman has been met with "foul" play. If you have seen the Eggman, please report immediately. His bacon is getting cold....

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1000 Buskers in Kuala Lumpur rejoice with legalization by BC on Feb 2, 2013
:horn: (MALAYSIA) Kuala Lumpur has just legalized street-performing for which 200 have already auditioned.
A jury of professional musicians will license the street-performers without any set limit of buskers to be selected.

With a population of 7.2 million people in greater Kuala Lumpur, there are over a 1000 happy buskers waiting to have their day.

Guidelines were being finalized but mainly the buskers must have a clean appearance and be disciplined enough to adhere to the designated time and location.

All that remains is finding suitable pitches in and around the city. Some areas may be modified to accompany busker performances.

Adjustments to the new legalization are to follow. As we've seen before, things can change around, flip-flop, flip again, then change back in as little as 1000 days. Hopefully, they'll...

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Top 20 Best Street Performers by BC on Jul 4, 2022
:spotlight: (WWW) It seems the organization 'Ranking4You' has taken on the task of presenting buskers for your approval. In "Top 20 Street Performers", they examine Dea Matrona, Kylabelle, Jesica Doolan, Zoe Clarke, Hannah Kinsella and Caseto.
This time around, they visit Grafton Street - one of the two main shopping streets in downtown Dublin. They also visit streets in LA, Colorado, Belfast, Stockholm, Northeast Brazil and Sinchon/Seoul.

"Our intention is to publicize the work of the artists that you guys present to us, that reach us and that we consider to be of good quality, regardless of whether or not they are known to the general public. Don't get us wrong but our purpose is to promote timeless performances that can inspire old and new street artists and touch the audience."


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