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Austin to pay buskers to perform by BC on Jan 1, 2018
:tiphat: (TEXAS) Austin is using a bankroll of $150,000 in private funds from site developer Trammel Crow to create a Busking Pilot Program in the new Green Water development in the Seaholm District downtown.
“Busking is a hugely overlooked art form. From it, you can gain exposure, a surprisingly diverse fan base, other paid performance opportunities, paid practice time in front of a live audience, and perhaps make enough to live on. Many benefits can be gained from an underrated thing such as street performance if you really work at it. It is definitely something that every artist should take advantage of especially where it is open for anyone and everyone.”

The music office plans to pay musicians to perform at the development each weekend for a full year. They are currently accepting applications from street mus...

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Shivering Naked Cowboy needs clothes quick by BC on Mar 5, 2010
:banjo: (TAMPA) It was 52 degrees outside as people scurried around downtown to eat lunch today.
Donning his full uniform — a cowboy hat, boots, tight white briefs and a strategically placed guitar — he sang and danced as onlookers approached him for photos and autographs.

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Blues enthusiasts take note! by BC on Apr 1, 2017
:sax: (COSTA RICA) San Jose has buskers singing the blues. Avenida Blues, a traditional blues band in Costa Rica, is finding national resistance to their style of music and performing. The buskers have been working for the past months filming their performances on the streets, issues with police, and concerts at large national festivals in the country.
Due to severe lack of interest of the blues in Costa Rica, they are trying to get exposure with the international blues community. With different administration changes, the police have taken down several artists, jailed some others, and have confiscated equipment. A strike in January resulted in a movement called "Nuestra Calle" when there was the reported abuse of power by local authorities in the arrest of a sax player.

The Avendia blues band has been working hard...

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Free Speech by bubbletim on Jul 1, 2012
Creating large floating soap bubbles has been a passtime of mine for many years. I call it "fleeting art" and I let anyone that wants to try it to give it a go. After all the years of doing it and people always asking where my tip jar was, I started putting out a fish bowl for people to donate to help pay for the bubble mix. The City of Monrovia, Ca recreation department and the Monrovia PD have now informed me that I am panhandling/soliciting. I have not been cited yet but have been shut down 2 times. If you have any ideas or suggestions they will be greatly appreciated. I will keep my fellow buskers informed on what progresses in the future. Keep entertaining and making people smile.

Tom Jones joins the South Bank Buskers by BC on Nov 30, 2008
:photog: Tom Jones’s first attempt at busking began ominously as a crowd gathered around a set of speakers and a lone microphone set up on the South Bank of the Thames near the Royal Festival Hall. “It’s Tom Jones, isn’t it?” one woman asked. “I’ve never liked him since he had his nose done. He had a sensible Welsh nose in the old days.”

Skateboarders and BMX bikers gathered nonplussed at a nearby underpass. Sir Tom would be using the graffiti-covered skating area if it rained, they were told. “That would be a bit awkward,” one BMX rider said. “We’d have to ride around him.”

But any doubt that the 68-year-old singer could still thrill a crowd was dispelled the moment he stepped up to the microphone. “Can you hear me all right?” he asked. The crowd, which had swelled to about 400, cheered and raised their arms, not in celebration, but to capture the moment on their mobile telephones.

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