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Cirque du Soleil celebrates 25th anniversary by BC on Jun 8, 2009
MONTREAL (AFP) — Canadian acrobatic troupe Cirque du Soleil, created in 1984 and now performing in all corners of the world, is celebrating its silver anniversary with the launch of its 25th show "Ovo," about insects.

The circus company, with 19 traveling and permanent shows now playing, sold 11 million tickets worldwide last year and has brought wonder and delight to almost 90 million spectators in over 200 cities on five continents since 1984.

What started as a ragtag group of 20 street performers has blossomed into a global entertainment empire with an estimated net worth of three billion dollars and 4,000 employees in 40 countries.

Founded by former fire-eater Guy Laliberte, whose idea to transform circus acrobatics into sensational, plot-driven theatre has revolutionized this sector of the entertainment industry, it has however always remained true to its root

The performers originate from n...

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The Beauty of Busking by BC on Dec 4, 2012
:tiphat: (TORONTO) An article at Action Coach Warren has a story on busking that may surprise most.
In it, Warren declares his love for buskers. Citing the Toronto Buskerfest as North America's largest, he notes the requirements as being "courage, confidence, good humour and, possibly, a little insanity."

While we usually hear reports from buskers themselves, it's a rare positive review that comes from the edge. Also mentioned is the fact that busking is mostly an urban event and that the love of the city is a necessary.

As Coach Warren observes, "Busking is one of the purest expressions of the entrepreneurial spirit. Buskers work incredibly hard at their craft in an attempt to provide maximum entertainment value. In doing so, they hope to receive maximum value from their audience."

You can...

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The History of Busking by BC on Jun 3, 2019
:guitar: (WWW) A website by Isaac Wexler has included a history of busking as a means to promote his courses on successful street-performing. A busker for over ten years, Busker Pro is his way of giving back the knowledge and experience of his career as a busker.
Some interesting notations include the furthest recorded history of law affecting buskers in ancient Rome back in 462 BC. It was made a criminal offense to sing or make parodies about the government or officials in public places. The result was a very harsh death penalty to the performers without noble protection from the privilege of justice.

Another was in 1530 when Henry VIII ordered the practise of minstrels and players, fortune-tellers, pardoners and fencers, as well as beggars that if they did not obey the law, they could be whipped for two days....

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Busker$ raking it in as Celebritie$ by BC on Sep 3, 2016
:whistle: What do buskers Crystal Bowersox, Philippe Petit, and Glen Hansard all have in common? These buskers have all made mucho dinero doing what naturally comes best.
Crystal Bowersox was runner up on the ninth season of “American Idol”. She presently has made over half a million dollars in music sales and appearances.

Philip Petit, the famous Frenchman who tightrope walked between the now-extinct trade towers in Manhatten, has enjoyed a Hollywood movie remake of his feat in "The Walk" no doubt enjoying countless Francs in revenue and licensing fees.

Glen Hansard has made a bundle peddling the Indy movie "Once". Between touring and the play on Broadway, Hansard has made lots of money off the film that won a Oscar for best song. It was a stormy inheritance from street to sta...

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Busking Book by ProfGizmo on Feb 1, 2010
Got a number of good reviews on my busking book. Danny Hustle and Jimmy Talksalot both gave me the thumbs up. Thanks guys. Sold a copy of the book to Spain, Sweeden and Australia not to mention all over the US. Looking for feedback from those who got the new book.
I just got a new DSLR camera for my birthday. Can't wait to get it out for some good pictures. I'm taking classes to improve my technique. Hopefully I can post them around. If you're in KC and need some performing pix let me know. I got some good shots of my grandson playing hockey.
Hopefully the weather will start to break in the next few weeks. I have consolidated my street show so it will be easier to transport. I'm getting too old to carry all the stuff around. Hopefully I'll be seeing some of you buskers this summer.

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