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Parents dislike their kids noticing buskers by BC on Jan 9, 2010
:therapy: Violinist Joshua Bell was left shocked and disappointed when he realised parents don't like their children paying attention to street musicians during a recent busking experiment.
The acclaimed classical musician dressed down and wore a disguise for his odd free show at the Washington D.C. Metro (subway) station - and was surprised no one recognised him.

Reporting back to editors of the Washington Post newspaper, who came up with the ruse, Bell confessed he was appalled to discover so many adults don't like their children to stop for buskers.

He tells WENN, "I had a baseball hat on and tattered clothes, so, if there was anyone who had been to my concerts, they would not have known it was me.

"It was sad and interesting because children tended to want to stop and listen and parents...

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Book: The Busking Project by BC on Aug 1, 2014
:!: (THE BUSKING PROJECT) With a tag line of 3 writers, 5 continents, and 1 mission, the Busking Project has released a paperback book detailing some of it's exploits in the wide world of street performing.
As Busker Central continues it's book review series, we find Nick Broad, Chris Smith, and Belle Crawford. The three visit forty cities across five continents to document buskers remarking they are "universally misunderstood, under appreciated, and often criminalized."

Including some (mis)adventures, hundreds of supporters help the trio with advice, equipment, support, money, time, and encouragement in completion of the global trek. Starting in Lisbon and ending in Rio, the whole trip reveals trials and tribulations as it unfolds.

Covering 40 cities in 10 months, the plan was to visit a new city every...

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Pearl Street Mall enjoying it's 3rd rebirth by BC on Feb 1, 2017
:spotlight: (BOULDER) Ever since the Pearl Street Mall in Boulder, Colorado opened in 1976, it has undergone a series of rebirths along the winding way. Now home to human statues, jugglers, fire acts, and of course, musicians, "the mall" has settled down into it's present day form. New pitches have been created so now there's room for everybody at any given time.
Boulder is one of the most popular cities on the international busker trail. While most tourists don't know it, the mall has essentially expanded to a full 10 blocks. The tourists continue through stop lights on either end and get to enjoy a much larger and thusly more dynamic Pearl Street Mall. Famous for being first in the modern red-brick style, "street furniture" (benches and seats) line the pedestrian-only walkways...

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Banksy and the Rise of Outlaw Art by BC on Nov 2, 2021
:artist: (ENGLAND) Banksy is a pseudonymous England-based street artist, political activist, and film director. His real name and identity remain unconfirmed and the subject of speculation. He has also made good from his collection of "Illegal Art". First displaying work on walls for buskers, the movement has blossomed into an artform unto itself.
Presenting art in Bristol along with artists like "3D" and "Broken Brain", the movement's attitude can be seen in his film "Exit through the gift shop". Watching some of the films, one can't help but chuckle at the absurdity of Banksy.

Using stencils and computers, Banksy approaches 3D from different perspectives. However, many artworks have been vandalized, painted over, or destroyed.

Banksy's works have dealt with various...

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Film: "The Giant Mechanical Man" features human statue by BC on Mar 8, 2011
:tophat: (HOLLYWOOD) The film "The Giant Mechanical Man" tells of a human statue street-performer (Topher Grace) who falls in love with female zoo worker (Jenna Fischer). Each of them resists pressure from friends and family not to get together.
A romantic comedy, it's yet again another love story featuring the performers. A tried and true story-line, it dates back to the silent cinema era with "The Blue Angel".



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