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Job Searches & Buskers by BC on Aug 3, 2022
:tongue: (WWW) Some job searches have started including busking and street performing as a viable means of employment. On an updated career page, an article by Brett Helling discusses definitions, salary, qualifications, responsibilities, skills, working conditions, experience, and employers.
Walk-by acts: buskers perform their act continuously for a long time. This happens mostly with musicians and mimers who perform their repertoire while people walk by them. Occasional passers-by stop to hear a song or two but no defined audience forms.

Circle acts: these acts work more like a “show” and have a distinct beginning, middle, and a grand finale ending. The performers first attract a crowd that will stand in a circle around them to watch the show. Circle acts are well suited for theatre, dance, acrobatics, magic, etc...

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new beginnings by paddytobin on Feb 8, 2011
Just back busking again after spending time being a single dad to my now 20 year old man.Trying my hand at the Bungendore Country muster,in NSW Australia.Assigned a spot in the Heritage village square,made little money but had a great time,and plenty of encouragement to continue.True to my "Zen Punk" roots,included ,"they don't make Jews like Jesus anymore" and My own 21st generation y version of "house of the Rising Sun" ,as my country rep is miniscule,and mostly incomprehensible.
Keen now to see where else I can go to display my wares.The Market go round looks good!

Top 10 most popular streets in the world by BC on Nov 1, 2010
:drool: (TOURISM) Museums, theaters, galleries – The world’s cities are full of attractions they promote to lure visitors.
However, even streets can become important landmarks attracting tourists from afar. The very least we can do is try to busk them all.

Below is a list compiled by Tourism-Review.com on their top 10 most popular streets in the whole wide world.

Champs Elysées - Paris
La Rambla - Barcelona
Fifth Avenue - New York
Appian Way - Rome
Magnificent Mile - Chicago
Gran Vía - Madrid
Wall Street - New York
Lombard Street - San Francisco
Zeil - Frankfurt
Váci Utca - Budapest

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Mysterious busker is really a Superstar by BC on Feb 4, 2015
:surprised2: (VENICE BEACH) Disguised head-to-toe in metallic gold, a famous performer has surprised onlookers in Venice Beach by posing as a busker.
Going incognito, the "She Came to Give It to You" singer, 36, was busting moves best described as “the robot” borrowed from the mime Robert Shields. While wearing a gold hat, sunnies, and chains with his face covered in a gold mask to a crowd on the street, fans were shocked when the Grammy-winning artist revealed himself from under the costume.

As it turns out, the former judge on the US version of The Voice was shooting a skit for a MasterCard campaign. He surprised a fan - who had earlier been told she was appearing in a documentary about the OMG singer - with a personal performance, the Daily Mail reports.

The R&B star was rec...

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Denver Buskerfest returns by BC on May 5, 2021
:party: (COLORADO) The Denver Union Station Buskerfest is back for it's fifth year after being cancelled due to COVID-19 concerns. Located in the heart of downtown Denver, Union Station is the newly revamped light rail and bus station complete with restaurants, ice cream shops, watering holes, and boutiques.
Busker Central video journalists have covered many a buskerfest at the current site as well a previous fourteen year run as the nations largest buskerfest.

This year's international buskers features Tennis the Menace, Cate Great, the USA Breakdancers, Pogo Fred, just Felice, the Pear Performance Act, Rudi Monterroso, Annie Frazier, Kateie Mesmerie and Jeff Paley, and Rose.

Just like every buskerfest, these professional buskers are guaranteed to entertain the masses with amazing displays of feats - some quite...

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