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Jim & Bob Entertainment by jimcozzi on Feb 27, 2011
I am a bird handler & entertainer from Key West and Orlando area. I am relocating to the Atlanta area and interested in coordinating buskers in Atlanta. I do numerous pro-bono charity events like: Hospice, Make-A-Wish, Give Kids The World Resort, and Muscular Dystrophy camp.

I have also appeared on television like NBC Today Show, HGTV, Food Network and appeared as the official entertainer for Jimmy Buffet's Meeting of The Minds-Parrot Heads Fan Club convention with over 3,000 people in attendance.

If you live in Atlanta or know any buskers there, please have them contact me. If you could refer me or need to add a tropical themed act, I would greatly appreciate referrals.


Thanks much!

Jim & Bob Entertainment.
email: cozzijim@gmail.com
cell: (248) 979-0238


Key West street entertainers must now be insured by BC on Jun 19, 2011
:hair: (KEY WEST) It's been brewing since last year when regulations for street-performing were brought up in City Hall.
Now, a tourist was recently bitten on the face by a performer's lemur which has triggered a new law requiring entertainers to have a minimum of $300,000 of liability insurance.

The law was designed to bring street entertainers in line with other groups, such as taxis, pedicabs and street food vendors, all of whom are required to have similar liability policies.

Restrictions where you can perform were placed on Duval Street but not past Petronia. The first two blocks of Whitehead and other "pitch" restrictions also go into effect. The yearly permit was raised from $100 to $150 and if there's is a festival going on, no performing is allowed. Performer's insurance is available on the...

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Buskers booted from Central Park pitch by BC on Jun 7, 2011
:scrooge: (NEW YORK) Central Park buskers at the Bethesda Fountain Terrace have been booted off their long-standing pitch by an effort to establish a food and booze court.
The city has posted a new "Quiet Zone" sign there and have been ticketing performers - even handcuffing one opera singer and taking him away.

Parks Department spokeswoman Vickie Karp said the musicians are the problem and have "completely blocked the stairs. The public wants quiet zones and have repeatedly requested quiet places for passive enjoyment of the park."

The food court and bar will feature $8 to $10 beers, $8 glasses of wine, and $7 to $9 sandwiches.


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Musicians: How to Start Busking by BC on Feb 1, 2020
:accord: (WWW) It's deja vu all over again with ways to get muses off to a good start busking and street-performing. Musicians are the most popular type of busker simply because of the vast amount of instruments that can be found. Some musicians actually create their own instruments although they vary in timber and quality.
An article at musicindustryhowto.com has prepared the beginning busker with valuable information to give them at least a fighting chance of success when performing in public.

Some segments include preparing your set list, memorizing the music, choosing the right songs, keeping it family friendly, getting your license or permit, observing the rules, performing strategically, and honing your craft.

While some popular bands are mentioned, buskers have been known to find success with songs...

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Amsterdam killing street shows by philacrobat on Jun 6, 2013
We just arrive yesterday in Amsterdam and we had a few surprises!
First of all, the city decided to give only 10 licences these year to play on the main spots with amplification. So forget it if you come as us to play here for a few weeks.
Also even if you are lucky and own a license, it's only possible to play with amplification 3 days a week, thursday, friday, saturday and from 12h to 13h, 15h to 16h, 18h to 19h and 20h to 21h, so even if you have a license you can play only a few shows three days a week!
Also i was told that you can not use fire anymore.
Well, we started our trip from Canada with Amsterdam and now we don't know where to go, who has a good idea?

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