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Busking tips and tricks for fun and profit by BC on Jul 5, 2019
:flasher: Whether you're a beginner or seasoned pro, there's always room for improvement when it comes to busking. Amazon has started carrying interesting books written by and for buskers for the worldwide busking community. Both fiction and non-fiction are covered in 6 amazing pages.
Topics include making cash doing what you love, various how-to guides, essays about street performing, stepping out into the streets for the first time, enjoying public life, balloon busking, busking beyond borders, busking as a mercenary art, notes from London's underground, fire breathing, a busking bible, European street musicians, surviving half alive, songs sang on Bleecker street and other popular venues - all sharing tips, secrets and dreamy wishes from the pros. There's even a music book for a guide to busking....

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Cirque du Soleil celebrates 25th anniversary by BC on Jun 8, 2009
MONTREAL (AFP) — Canadian acrobatic troupe Cirque du Soleil, created in 1984 and now performing in all corners of the world, is celebrating its silver anniversary with the launch of its 25th show "Ovo," about insects.

The circus company, with 19 traveling and permanent shows now playing, sold 11 million tickets worldwide last year and has brought wonder and delight to almost 90 million spectators in over 200 cities on five continents since 1984.

What started as a ragtag group of 20 street performers has blossomed into a global entertainment empire with an estimated net worth of three billion dollars and 4,000 employees in 40 countries.

Founded by former fire-eater Guy Laliberte, whose idea to transform circus acrobatics into sensational, plot-driven theatre has revolutionized this sector of the entertainment industry, it has however always remained true to its root

The performers originate from n...

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Creative song writing by BC on Jan 3, 2021
:guitar: (WWW) We all start out playing songs we like (covers) from other established artists. It's when we reach a certain plateau that we realize that in order to go further, we're going to have to write songs that the public enjoys. When busking, however, familiarity is king when your cover is recognized as tip-worthy.
So, how do we handle our creativity yearning to be heard? Busking can be a very useful tool when first starting out writing songs. It is here that you can get instant feedback if the public is relating to your new song. If people are enjoying themselves, dancing or even singing along, you've really got something worthy of developing.

Try writing a song with a beat or speed up a slow song you've already written. People are out to have a good time and, generally speaking, really don't...

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The 71 year old Busker from Swindon by BC on Jan 2, 2013
:hot: (ENGLAND) Robert Stredder has been a rootin'-tootin' gunslinger, clown, mime, plate-spinner, fire juggler, and several other characters making him Swindon, England's most popular busker.
It's hard to believe he went to law school at Birmingham University to fulfill his father's wishes of becoming a lawyer. Then, a fateful day in 1963 led him down a totally different path in life. He's now been performing for almost 50 years.

At 71, Robert is without signs of slowing down. He now mostly focuses on fund-raisers for charities and organizing bicycle rides. He's rather old to be playing with fire but, as it turns out, that's what he likes doing best.

Rob fought the law and he actually won. There's now one less lawyer around these days. Be thankful for small favors.

According to Swindon Advertiser's reporter Barry Leighton,...

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With busking, pay to play has it's benefits by BC on Apr 3, 2016
:spotlight: (BUSKER ALLEY) Buskers sometimes avoid cities where licensing is required. To them, it doesn't make sense when the hat may be too small to consider a permit. This creates a dilemma.
When you think about it, the pay to play scheme actually has it's own valuable benefits. Consequently, it sometimes leaves the door wide open to busk a city where little if any busking is occuring. By asking how many busking permits have been issued, buskers can get an approximation of the competition to be expected.

By being permitted, the busker may also have a selection of top pitches from which to choose.

Since busking is always weather permitting, warm sunny days year-round really helps the tourism industry as well as the busker's pocketbook.

When all the factors are added up, it may make perfect sense to have...

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