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Buskers go 'Off the Rails' in NYC by BC on Apr 1, 2018
:lampshade: (NYC) You won't believe this but the following is just one single week recapping some of the strangest subway behavior in NYC. It is also the first in a new NBC 4 weekly series documenting happenings in the New York City subway. It promises to be quite an interesting serial publication.
"We start the first week noting that 5.6 million people ride the subway each day which makes it not only a hot spot for talent scouting and people watching, but also a snow-globe of sorts for some of the strangest behavior in the city".

Busker #1 is a cigarette smoking man underneath a train (don't ask). Then he jumps up and performs balancing and dare-devil stunts in-between cars. With cigarette in hand, he finishes by tap-dancing across the platform and away from the encroaching NYPD. The busker...

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More T-Shirts for Buskers by BC on Mar 2, 2012
:stilts: We've found some more crazy t-shirts that buskers will love. Bowler or derby hat tees are now available in a variety of colors.
Buskers can now let the world know they're a street-performer by wearing their hat on their t-shirt. You can even add a face if you wish.

There's an old busker saying - "A busker isn't complete without his hat. Then, he's finished."

Also featured are "suit & tie" tees and even the Professional Street Performers Association's logo on all kinds of shirts, tote bags, buttons, drinking cups, stickers, posters, and even hats.

Let the public know you're a pro!

You can even create your own logos on apparel for other buskers and street-performers to enjoy. Artists will relish designing their own shirts. Check out the links below for even more busker t-shirt...

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Film: "The Giant Mechanical Man" features human statue by BC on Mar 8, 2011
:tophat: (HOLLYWOOD) The film "The Giant Mechanical Man" tells of a human statue street-performer (Topher Grace) who falls in love with female zoo worker (Jenna Fischer). Each of them resists pressure from friends and family not to get together.
A romantic comedy, it's yet again another love story featuring the performers. A tried and true story-line, it dates back to the silent cinema era with "The Blue Angel".



Drum Machine T-Shirt Perfect For Buskers by BC on Jan 3, 2012
:tiphat: Buskers, especially muses, will benefit from the world's first drum machine in a real wearable t-shirt.
Now you can actually wear your instrument thumping out sweet digital rhythms as you perform your new routines. With an amazing 7 voices, drummers can create loops with unlimited tracks through 9 different drum kits for up to 3 minutes in length. The drum machine shirt is, of course, machine washable.

Thanks to ThinkGeek - Stuff for Smart Masses, also available for muses are 2 other interactive t-shirts including the Electronic Rock Guitar shirt with programmable guitar. Then there's even the the Electronic Music Synthesizer shirt with which you can program synths to untold of levels.

Musicians wanting a cutting edge performance can now band together and pitch their show by simply wearing their guitars,...

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Famous busker returns to his roots by BC on Feb 24, 2010
:busker: (FISHERMANS WHARF) It looks like the Amazing Johnathan is returning to his roots and taking a break from his Las Vegas show.
Years ago, the former street performer had his show at the Golden Nugget...or was it Fitzgeralds? Circus Circus? Anyway, I forget where John Szeles's show was but he's heading where it all began.

The insult comic, the Amazing Johnathan, has built his show over the years into a solid, if not down right weird, Las Vegas show that probably has more jokes per minute than any current show running. It also drops more F-bombs than Pesci in "Casino". With a 3-act structure, the former busker has shown others the way to create and perform Vegas-style.

I believe Carrot Top, like Sinbad, first started performing on the streets of Westwood in L.A. It's seems like a while...

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