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Buskertainment is Raising The Roof by BC on Dec 3, 2011
:mime: (TORONTO) Human statues, musicians, illusionists, jesters, jugglers, mimes, stilt walkers, and much more will be out on the streets of the Downtown Yonge area every Saturday and Sunday as part of Winter Magic's "Buskertainment."
All donations during the Buskertainment event will go towards the Raising the Roof charity. The buskers will entertain shoppers and passersby then pass the hat in support of the worthy cause.

Raising the Roof is Canada's only national charity that dedicates itself toward funding long-term solutions for the homeless. What that means is they focus their efforts on permanent solutions to homelessness including finding proper housing, providing mental health services, and getting a homeless person "employment ready."

Stories, photos, and video are available thru the link...

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Film: "The Giant Mechanical Man" features human statue by BC on Mar 8, 2011
:tophat: (HOLLYWOOD) The film "The Giant Mechanical Man" tells of a human statue street-performer (Topher Grace) who falls in love with female zoo worker (Jenna Fischer). Each of them resists pressure from friends and family not to get together.
A romantic comedy, it's yet again another love story featuring the performers. A tried and true story-line, it dates back to the silent cinema era with "The Blue Angel".



MyJobSearch lists street performing careers by BC on Nov 3, 2022
:tophat: (WWW) Things are getting spooky when major job sites start listing busking and street performing as regular employment. Such is the case with MyJobSearch.com careers.
The website defines the terms used, salary, responsibilities, qualifications, skills, working conditions, experience, employers, and different roles a busker can play.

Some notables include:

No two days are the same
Be a clown with the audience
Staying creative
Testing one's self

Check out the listing below for yourself.
It makes for good reading.



Tom Jones joins the South Bank Buskers by BC on Nov 30, 2008
:photog: Tom Jones’s first attempt at busking began ominously as a crowd gathered around a set of speakers and a lone microphone set up on the South Bank of the Thames near the Royal Festival Hall. “It’s Tom Jones, isn’t it?” one woman asked. “I’ve never liked him since he had his nose done. He had a sensible Welsh nose in the old days.”

Skateboarders and BMX bikers gathered nonplussed at a nearby underpass. Sir Tom would be using the graffiti-covered skating area if it rained, they were told. “That would be a bit awkward,” one BMX rider said. “We’d have to ride around him.”

But any doubt that the 68-year-old singer could still thrill a crowd was dispelled the moment he stepped up to the microphone. “Can you hear me all right?” he asked. The crowd, which had swelled to about 400, cheered and raised their arms, not in celebration, but to capture the moment on their mobile telephones.

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World's first all-woman Buskerfest by BC on Feb 5, 2019
:dread: (KANSAS) The city of Lawrence has quite an interesting history concerning women being featured in their town. With their 12th buskerfest, they will be highlighting and honoring the incredible women of the street performing world. Over 20 different acts will perform on 5 different pitches throughout the downtown business district.
"Linsey Lindberg has performed for the last 12 years as Mama Lou Strongwoman and is a Lawrence Busker Festival favorite. It's not unusual for her audience to be full of young girls who emulate her feats of strength at home. She thinks that it's necessary to be a role model and promote self-empowerment for women."

The First All Female Busker Festival is going to be full of awesome acts from around the world.

Be sure to check out the link below for more information on the...

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