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Gainsville looking for buskers by BC on Jun 15, 2022
:clown: (FLORIDA, USA) It seems the conservative state of Florida has become more liberal when it comes to cities finding and hiring buskers to compliment their downtown business districts.
The island of Key West has always come first with it's Mallory Square street performers. Then, there's Pensacola and even Clearwater. Within the past few years, even Fort Lauderdale has jumped on the bandwagon. Now, the city of Gainsville is seeking input and promoting buskers out of it's coffers.

Follow the link below for more information.




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Calling their bluff by guitarman on Nov 16, 2008
:sing: I remember I was busking on a popular outdoor mall at a commonly used pitch. As a muse, I played and sang between an outdoor cafe and restaurant. Buskers had used the stage for several years. I usually got a coffee at the cafe while on breaks and was familiar with the staff.

One day, a new staff member came outside and asked me to move down the way. When I asked the blond middle-aged woman why, she simply said she didn't appreciate me singing outside on a beautiful day while she slaved away inside. I told her it was my choice in life to busk rather than being a server and I really couldn't help her. She again requested me to move on and left with the satisfaction of having told me 'what for'. I ignored her request and continued performing.

As a mature busker, I had seen the like before. They have a problem with someone busking because they can't do it. After several other altercations, I had...

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"Grate" Performances kick off Times Square gig by BC on May 12, 2009
:spotlight: Almost 100 street performers and buskers auditioned for 3 minutes each for a spot in this summer's Grate Performances series in the Big Apple's Duffy square.

Billed as the "crossroads of the world", the Times Square Alliance events are scheduled to start May 28th.

Sadly, New York City performers are usually restricted to performing underground in the city's dark and dirty subway system. This time, however, they were allowed to perform in the sunshine and be viewed by the general public.

Revealing some fresh faces, there were some old familiar ones with even the Naked Cowboy "butting" in.

See a Daily News video here.

Fame: 10 celebs that started off busking by BC on Dec 1, 2020
:tied: (WWW) Most people think that fame is instant - namely that through a fluke, fame comes to performers overnight. Far from the truth, it turns out that fame usually comes only after years and years of dedicated performing.
Some start out in very different themes before becoming famous. Who knew a fire eater would become James Bond or a mime become an Academy Award winner? One famous performer actually got deported from Spain for sleeping on the streets. Another got his nickname the "Beale Street Blues Boy". Can you guess who?

A closer look at fame reveals startling inconsistencies in perceptions of success. A famous comedian starts off playing banjo for lucky passers-by. Another star begins playing piano at age six. Just who will make it and who won't is written in the stars (no pun intended). Such is life.


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More stunning retro pics of London street performers by BC on Mar 1, 2019
:drool: (LONDON) Striking photographs from nearly 70 years ago show some of London’s most colourful street performers wowing the crowds in the mid-20th Century.
The incredible images at the Sun display a fearless acrobat flinging themselves through a small head-height hoop, a Charlie Chaplin impersonator ‘snake charming’ in front of a captive audience, and disabled ex-servicemen performing to the passing crowds.

Another stunning photo shows a banjo player being ably assisted by his pet pooch and a gentleman quietly concentrating as he plays a tune on what appears to be a Zither – a stringed instrument which is fiercely difficult to master.

The shots capture a post-war Britain, still labouring under rationing laws but blinking in the light of a blossoming economy.

Check out the link below for more amazing vintage...

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