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Radio 1 star goes undercover as a "Secret Busker" by BC on Mar 3, 2015
:sing: (LONDON) Radio 1 star Olly Murs has received his makeunder as a homeless guy with head lice. His mission was to perform in Covent Garden and see how well he does.
The trend of stars busking on pitches around the world seems to have manifested itself. Whether for a commercial, skit, or social experiment, the stars are coming out at all hours. The celebrities over the years include Sir Paul McCartney, Joshua Bell, Guns & Roses, Bruce Springsteen, Usher, Murs, and more yet to come.

You'd think Murs would be releasing some fantastic new album but this social experiment was at the top of the list. He demonstrates how important professionalism can be when busking in the real world. Even in his condition, it was more of an audition than a handout.

Murs performed 45 minutes of his own songs and even has the video to prove...

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Gainsville looking for buskers by BC on Jun 15, 2022
:clown: (FLORIDA, USA) It seems the conservative state of Florida has become more liberal when it comes to cities finding and hiring buskers to compliment their downtown business districts.
The island of Key West has always come first with it's Mallory Square street performers. Then, there's Pensacola and even Clearwater. Within the past few years, even Fort Lauderdale has jumped on the bandwagon. Now, the city of Gainsville is seeking input and promoting buskers out of it's coffers.

Follow the link below for more information.




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Has the "Eggman" cracked up? by BC on May 3, 2011
:surprised2: (SOUTH AFRICA) His name is Gregory da Silva - a comedian artist, storyteller, dancer and live street perfomer from Benin West Africa.
Also known locally as the "Eggman", he's a hard-boiled character known for wearing a World-Record 624 eggs on his hat.

Gaining fame in Cape Town, it now seems that the Eggman may have been traumatized after a robbery in Italy left him injured. Although you've got to break a few eggs to make an omlett, that's not what the Eggman had in mind.

But where is the Eggman today? He has seemed to have vanished after his trip to Milano vowing never to return to Cape Town, the city that sponsored him.

It now appears the Eggman has been met with "foul" play. If you have seen the Eggman, please report immediately. His bacon is getting cold....

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The coolest buskers in the world by BC on Nov 10, 2009
:sax: (ANTARCTICA) Busking in Antarctica, four British Antarctic Survey's employees took part in Musequality's charity busk and world record.
The coolest buskers in the world, the strings on Danny’s guitar cable froze, Paul’s saxophone froze, Tony’s fingers froze and Riet froze. The Antarctic Minkes busked as the temperature dropped from -8°C to -15°C in Antarctica. Musequality funds communal projects for disadvantaged children in developing countries giving them the skills and qualities they need to turn their lives around.

YouTube Video


A cat named Bob saves busker's life by BC on Nov 5, 2012
:spotlight: (LONDON) James Bowen and his cat Bob have sold over 250,000 books depicting their strange tale. It just so happens Bob saved the poor busker's life.
Based on a true story, Bob and James may be heading to Hollywood to film the street-performer's enchanting account.

Bob isn't any ordinary orange tabby. It seems he was tired of people wasting away and set out one day to bolster his good karma. While walking down the alley, Bob spotted a street-performer with issues. Now was his chance to make a difference.

Bob immediately took to James and saw great potential withering away - perhaps even dying little by little each day. With the patience of a saint, Bob endures several trials and tribulations as the busker overcomes his addiction.

It's an selfless tail helping an artist get back on track creating...

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