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Radio 1 star goes undercover as a "Secret Busker" by BC on Mar 3, 2015
:sing: (LONDON) Radio 1 star Olly Murs has received his makeunder as a homeless guy with head lice. His mission was to perform in Covent Garden and see how well he does.
The trend of stars busking on pitches around the world seems to have manifested itself. Whether for a commercial, skit, or social experiment, the stars are coming out at all hours. The celebrities over the years include Sir Paul McCartney, Joshua Bell, Guns & Roses, Bruce Springsteen, Usher, Murs, and more yet to come.

You'd think Murs would be releasing some fantastic new album but this social experiment was at the top of the list. He demonstrates how important professionalism can be when busking in the real world. Even in his condition, it was more of an audition than a handout.

Murs performed 45 minutes of his own songs and even has the video to prove...

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Busker juggles away student debt by BC on Feb 3, 2016
:surprised2: (DARTMOUTH) The majority of students at Dartmouth University in New Hampshire are graduating with debt - and way too much of it - since the average graduate carries $35,000. That's why many young people are turning to alternative means - not just to survive, but to thrive.
A Huffington Post interview with William Imbert reveals how he included China, Switzerland, England, Manhattan, and Princeton to juggle, piano, and unicycle away his student debt. Also figuring into the equation was teaching English and some 300 tennis balls.

"I was 24 years old and on my own in a foreign land. I began doing street performance and living by the beach for $80 a month."

Included in the interview is how he paid off his $15,000 student loan, 3 great tips for street performers, and a quote...

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Buskers go 'Off the Rails' in NYC by BC on Apr 1, 2018
:lampshade: (NYC) You won't believe this but the following is just one single week recapping some of the strangest subway behavior in NYC. It is also the first in a new NBC 4 weekly series documenting happenings in the New York City subway. It promises to be quite an interesting serial publication.
"We start the first week noting that 5.6 million people ride the subway each day which makes it not only a hot spot for talent scouting and people watching, but also a snow-globe of sorts for some of the strangest behavior in the city".

Busker #1 is a cigarette smoking man underneath a train (don't ask). Then he jumps up and performs balancing and dare-devil stunts in-between cars. With cigarette in hand, he finishes by tap-dancing across the platform and away from the encroaching NYPD. The busker...

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Parents dislike their kids noticing buskers by BC on Jan 9, 2010
:therapy: Violinist Joshua Bell was left shocked and disappointed when he realised parents don't like their children paying attention to street musicians during a recent busking experiment.
The acclaimed classical musician dressed down and wore a disguise for his odd free show at the Washington D.C. Metro (subway) station - and was surprised no one recognised him.

Reporting back to editors of the Washington Post newspaper, who came up with the ruse, Bell confessed he was appalled to discover so many adults don't like their children to stop for buskers.

He tells WENN, "I had a baseball hat on and tattered clothes, so, if there was anyone who had been to my concerts, they would not have known it was me.

"It was sad and interesting because children tended to want to stop and listen and parents...

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2013 Summer street performance tour by david121294 on Feb 15, 2012
Summer of 2013 a couple friends and i will be buying greyhound discovery passesw and traveling the us for two months. i have plans on bringing a guitar and perfoming a couple 30 minute sets in each town i visit. with the cash i make from this i am hoping to be able to me my food expenses and be able to afford another discovery pass by the time the first one expires.
I'd like to know if anyone else is interested in tagging along or maybe would like me to come through their town. Discovery passes are aroung $560 before tax and are good for 2 months. i feel this is an interesting way to tour, see the country, meet people, and have a good time. Be aware that you can only bring two bags without having to pay an extra fee and your instrument case will count as a bag.

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