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How to be a Tube Busker in London by BC on Feb 1, 2014
:therapy: (LONDON) It seems there simply aren't enough buskers in London's tube these days to satisfy the growing masses.
Also known as the underground subway, a clear and present message to the "powers that be" is rumbling around the tube. Buskers believe many more should be permitted to display their art form in the nation's capital.

As it turns out, you can now take a quick internet lesson on How to be a Tube Busker with a recent article at the Londonist.com.

There's only one thing standing in the way - "the system". Tube busking has now been legal for 10 years. The article goes into a step-by-step process that may, in the end, prove the licensing procedure to be entirely futile.

You will be judged by a 3-person jury that may or may not be qualified to determine what is art and what...

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Man jailed for stealing busker's hat by BC on Dec 27, 2010
:hot: (ENGLAND) Busker and supply teacher Phil Gray was happily busking away when a passerby casually took the hat off Gray's head and disappeared.
It all seemed to be a joke until the grim reality set in. The hat was gone - never to be returned.

Fortunately, an audience member was shooting a video with his cell phone of Gray performing when the incident occurred.

Gray claims the creep who stole his hat had talked with him several times earlier in the day.

In the video, you actually see the crime committed. The thief was later picked up but no hat was to be found.

Full story and video


2013 Summer street performance tour by david121294 on Feb 15, 2012
Summer of 2013 a couple friends and i will be buying greyhound discovery passesw and traveling the us for two months. i have plans on bringing a guitar and perfoming a couple 30 minute sets in each town i visit. with the cash i make from this i am hoping to be able to me my food expenses and be able to afford another discovery pass by the time the first one expires.
I'd like to know if anyone else is interested in tagging along or maybe would like me to come through their town. Discovery passes are aroung $560 before tax and are good for 2 months. i feel this is an interesting way to tour, see the country, meet people, and have a good time. Be aware that you can only bring two bags without having to pay an extra fee and your instrument case will count as a bag.

Poll: Do You Support Putting More Restrictions on Buskers? by BC on Dec 3, 2014
:stilts: (NEW YORK) Are these crazy people out to get your money or are these legitimate artists doing their thing? A local New York poll wants to know more about buskers and street performers. What about those cartoon characters? Just who are they? Should there be more restrictions? Less restrictions? Any restrictions?
We've all seen the guy holding the a sign with his dog by his side. Is he performing or looking to feed his dog? Are there laws to prevent him from bothering tourists? Should there be? The dog certainly isn't harassing anyone.

What about the Naked Cowboy? What exactly does he do? Is he breaking laws as he reveals more than just his guitar? Does he even play guitar? It's no wonder NYC...

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Tombstone "the town to tough to die" by ticopots on Jan 1, 2012
(TOMBSTONE) The city council of Tombstone Az. may have shot itself in the foot. We have a new ordinance which reportedly goes into affect tomorrow Jan 2, 2012 this new law says that there wont be any busking allowed in the center of our little town. instead we have been relagated to and area that has far less foot traffic. Also we now must purchase a permit for $10.00 I feel I must point our that this ordinance does not solve a pressing government need. As the supreme court has dictated. I will send a copy if anyone needs it to help us. Del "Doc " Roach Street musician

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