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Buskers take hit with economy by BC on Nov 16, 2008
:scrooge: It's survival of the fittest as some resort to dirty tactics in face of stiffer competition.

Outwit, outplay, outlast.
That motto from TV reality series Survivor also holds true for the buskers in Orchard Road.

The current economic downturn is certainly not music to their ears as they have seen takings drop in recent months.

If that's not enough of a worry, they also have to fend off competition from both legitimate and illegal buskers.

But more of that later. For now, the downturn is a more worrisome test of survivor skills.

Take the case of Mr Donald Wee, 51, who strums the guitar near Shaw House.

'More people are donating coins instead of $5 or $10 notes,' he lamented.

He used to earn about $100 in two hours but can net only $40 now. The former security guard went into busking four years ago when he could not find another job after he was arrested for fighting....

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The 71 year old Busker from Swindon by BC on Jan 2, 2013
:hot: (ENGLAND) Robert Stredder has been a rootin'-tootin' gunslinger, clown, mime, plate-spinner, fire juggler, and several other characters making him Swindon, England's most popular busker.
It's hard to believe he went to law school at Birmingham University to fulfill his father's wishes of becoming a lawyer. Then, a fateful day in 1963 led him down a totally different path in life. He's now been performing for almost 50 years.

At 71, Robert is without signs of slowing down. He now mostly focuses on fund-raisers for charities and organizing bicycle rides. He's rather old to be playing with fire but, as it turns out, that's what he likes doing best.

Rob fought the law and he actually won. There's now one less lawyer around these days. Be thankful for small favors.

According to Swindon Advertiser's reporter Barry Leighton,...

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Busker$ raking it in as Celebritie$ by BC on Sep 3, 2016
:whistle: What do buskers Crystal Bowersox, Philippe Petit, and Glen Hansard all have in common? These buskers have all made mucho dinero doing what naturally comes best.
Crystal Bowersox was runner up on the ninth season of “American Idol”. She presently has made over half a million dollars in music sales and appearances.

Philip Petit, the famous Frenchman who tightrope walked between the now-extinct trade towers in Manhatten, has enjoyed a Hollywood movie remake of his feat in "The Walk" no doubt enjoying countless Francs in revenue and licensing fees.

Glen Hansard has made a bundle peddling the Indy movie "Once". Between touring and the play on Broadway, Hansard has made lots of money off the film that won a Oscar for best song. It was a stormy inheritance from street to sta...

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Taking it to the streets by BC on Apr 3, 2015
:spotlight: (SHELBY) As the days start to warm up, more people are making their way outside. Some for fresh air - others to perform for patrons of uptown shops and restaurants

“Ten years ago no one really went out after dark on the court square,” said Jeff Ledford.
Now that mindset has changed, cities are moving with these ideas.

Moving forward means change.

With the number of people increasing, one of those changes is more musicians taking to the sidewalks.
“With growth comes change, and we are going to see things we haven’t had to deal with like street performers,” said Ledford.

While there have been a few entertainers, Ledford expects more to be coming. Not only due to the expanding uptown area, but also due to the focus on art and music in uptown Shelby. The Uptown Shelby Association sees the addit...

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Pearl Street Mall enjoying it's 3rd rebirth by BC on Feb 1, 2017
:spotlight: (BOULDER) Ever since the Pearl Street Mall in Boulder, Colorado opened in 1976, it has undergone a series of rebirths along the winding way. Now home to human statues, jugglers, fire acts, and of course, musicians, "the mall" has settled down into it's present day form. New pitches have been created so now there's room for everybody at any given time.
Boulder is one of the most popular cities on the international busker trail. While most tourists don't know it, the mall has essentially expanded to a full 10 blocks. The tourists continue through stop lights on either end and get to enjoy a much larger and thusly more dynamic Pearl Street Mall. Famous for being first in the modern red-brick style, "street furniture" (benches and seats) line the pedestrian-only walkways...

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