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Surviving a cashless society by BC on Nov 9, 2018
:disguise: (LONDON) An article in The Guardian examines where the streets have no change - and how buskers are surviving in cashless times.
A recent hot topic, the article asks is it time performers turned to contactless readers? After all, dropping coins in a hat is increasingly, well, old hat.

Speaking of hats, they're down in London. Again, society is changing. Spending our money is much more convenient nowadays using plastic rather than carrying around coins and notes. Americans have gone plastic for decades but now it's becoming more of a world-wide trend.

For buskers, touchless card readers are now "the thing" since people are carrying around a lot less cash. With plastic, even if you get robbed right there on the street in broad daylight, the poor crook doesn't have access to your PIN number(s)....

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Magic & Mystery tour by BC on Jun 2, 2021
:tied: (FILMRISE) A fascinating documentary by Penn and Teller reveals some ancient history when it comes to street magic. Starting from their base in Las Vegas which is home to over 400 magicians, the Magic & Mystery tour heads to India, China, and Egypt.
The duo first travel to India to examine the famous Indian rope trick. Upon ariving, they note that Indian magicians like the use of "blood" in their cutting and restoring performances. P & T then take a grueling 4 hour bus ride to the Taj Mahal where the Indian rope trick is to be performed. This version has a rope come straight out of a basket which a little boy then climbs to the top.

Penn & Teller continue traveling to China where the original linking rings were born. They encounter a magician who informs them that the secret to the...

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The adventures of a Laowai busker in China by BC on May 4, 2018
:guitar: (SHANGHAI) The magazine That's Shanghai has published a detailed account of a Laowai busker's adventures entitled "Streetside Serenade". Over the past few years, China has relaxed it's laws against any crowd forming in public.
As Benjamin Lipschitz reveals, "I soon discovered the true beauty of sidewalks: all cities had them! I traveled to Shandong, Shaanxi, Fujian, Hong Kong and eventually Taiwan. I got more ambitious. I went to the United States and eventually to Mexico where I lived for a year and a half. Everywhere I went, I found that by seeking sustenance in the streets with my music, I could learn more about a place and its culture than by visiting tourist sites."

And that's just the beginning of a fascinating account of a true world-class...

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Street Performing: Low cost, high impact by BC on Sep 5, 2020
:therapy: (THE NETHERLANDS) An article at TheCityAtEyeLevel.com in the Netherlands has published an article portraying busking as a viable means of rejuvenating city streets. Some city's methodology include Glasgow, Melbourne, and Singapore.
"Busking is at risk of being licensed out of existence, with permit systems, auditions, fees, written application processes, equipment bans, scheduling and branding making the spontaneous, surprising art in public spaces a thing of the past."

The article goes on to discuss street performing policy, proposed permit systems, and a starters guide to encouraging busking in your city.

Many buskers prefer to be self-regulated but there are always a few who abuse this type of system. This can lead to public disputes where there is strong disagreement.

For more info,...

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new beginnings by paddytobin on Feb 8, 2011
Just back busking again after spending time being a single dad to my now 20 year old man.Trying my hand at the Bungendore Country muster,in NSW Australia.Assigned a spot in the Heritage village square,made little money but had a great time,and plenty of encouragement to continue.True to my "Zen Punk" roots,included ,"they don't make Jews like Jesus anymore" and My own 21st generation y version of "house of the Rising Sun" ,as my country rep is miniscule,and mostly incomprehensible.
Keen now to see where else I can go to display my wares.The Market go round looks good!

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