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Mosman bans buskers by BC on Dec 28, 2008
:tied: BUSKERS, charities, democratic protests and even raffle collectors have been banned from the streets of one of Sydney's most affluent suburbs.

The harsh rule of law has come to the mean streets of Mosman, where the council has banned any activity on land owned by the council that has not been given special council authorisation.

The policy was created after complaints about pesky charity collectors on Military Rd at Mosman Junction and Spit Junction.

However, not everyone in the district feels the need for protection from such undesirables. Shirley Jenkins, a former councillor who voted against the ban, said: "We're starting to take the zest out of life.

"I don't know how many buskers we have in Mosman but I enjoy those around Circular Quay and the thing is that Mosman is boring if we don't have some of these things."

Councils raise $12 million annually in petty fines for...

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Bagpipe busker arrested for "distressing" music by BC on Dec 23, 2008
:bagpipe: Police told Shaun Cartwright, 38, his piping had annoyed members of the public and detained him for a breach of the peace.

His bagpipes were seized as he was handcuffed and driven to a police station, although he was later released and told it was not in the public interest to press charges.

Mr Cartwright, who has been playing bagpipes for more than 25 years, was busking in Bridport, Dorset, when he was arrested.

He said: "I'd been playing for almost an hour outside Superdrug on the main street and had made about 50 pounds, so it clearly wasn't causing that much offence.

"But a shopkeeper called the police and two officers turned up saying they had a complaint and they had to respond to it.

"They asked me to move on but I wanted to finish my hour of playing and put the blow stick to my mouth and that was it.

Mr Cartwright, from Bristol, was released after...

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Ocean City's boardwalk to limit pitches by BC on May 20, 2009
:surprised2: Ocean City, Maryland city council passed a resolution limiting it's boardwalk buskers and street performers to two pitches "so everybody can co-exist a little bit better", said Mayor Rick Meehan. The performers lobbied against the the ordinance which would keep them away from store-fronts and benches.

In a written statement that was evidently read to the council, "If it is the intention of the council to eliminate street performing, then I urge them to pass this new ordinance", said busker Alexander Osborn whose reverse-psychology probably didn't help.

The law was passed unanimously by council members. The boardwalk is a well-known beach hangout and visited by over 2.4 million tourists a year. The performers were successful in making one change, however. They can...

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Key West Buskers must pay to perform by BC on Jan 1, 2015
:hot: (KEY WEST) Just when you think they've figured it all out, Key West's city hall has created still more controversy in their busking laws. Being in the news over the past several years, it may be a matter of the successful Mallory Square Sunset Celebration turf just not being big enough for the city's satisfaction.

The city along with the Cultural Preservation Society(?) now wants to charge individual buskers $20 a night for accepting tips. Federal courts repeatedly rule that permit fees for First Amendment activity are unconstitutional. Yet we see constant challenges to the right of free speech. City halls do not seem to understand that busking and street performing are immune to their taxing. Confusion appears to come when the performer is observed accepting tips. It seems any exchange of money gets some excited...

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Salt Lake City on the move by BC on Sep 1, 2018
:sax: (UTAH) With it's first ever Buskerfest, Salt Lake City has started to come out of it's shell in regards to street theater and performances. Citizens of the city are calling for more pitches to perform their art.
Kim Angeli is determined to get more street performers in Salt Lake City - a place that hasn’t always been receptive to the idea. Angeli hopes the SLC Busker Fest will help spread the wealth and connect performers and audiences.

"I would love to have performers on every corner. Art and artistic performance makes an urban environment wonderful and begs to be visited repeatedly," posts Lance Hemmert.

"Abby the Spoon Lady is the most amazing Busker!" cries another.

Most professional buskers are... :sing:

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