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Busker memorabilia at eBay by BC on Apr 2, 2022
:tiphat: (WWW) eBay.com has pages of busker memorabilia available for listening and home decor. Add to your collection of records, vintage photos, art, sculpture, statues, books, playing cards, mime, articles, collages, bell ringers, figurines, stories, and just about anything else you can think of.
Notable items include the Cambridge Buskers, Stars of the Streets, the Busker's Album, and the Beale Street Buskers. Some news articles go back as far as 1919.

Keep in mind thaat the some records are outdated 45's and lp's that will need a turntable to play.

The photo featured here is a pre-war busker in Newport, Rhode Island and is listed for $5000!

Click the link below for some amazing items.

:pointlol: ...

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Universal Orlando Hiring Hundreds Of Street-Performers by BC on Feb 1, 2012
:drool: (ORLANDO) Universal Orlando is hiring hundreds of energetic street performers both full and part-time for their Superstar Parade.
Universal is seeking dancers, animated character performers, drummers, roller skaters, stilt walkers, and "little people" no taller than 4' 11".

The parade centers on new floats designed around four movies and TV shows. Each position comes with an array of Universal Orlando benefits such as free theme-park admission and assorted discounts.

Auditions for roles in the Universal Studios parade will debut sometime in the Spring. Some limitations apply. Stilt walkers can weigh no more than 180 pounds and that will be verified at the auditions.

Universal also wants marching-band style drummers and those candidates should have a one-minute drum solo ready (some will be...

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The Big Busk raises over £10,000 by BC on Nov 3, 2016
:guitar: (SHREWSBURY) What started as a tribute to busker Ben Bebbington by his family and friends has swelled to event with over 40 musical acts. Ben was tragically killed in a senseless murder by two teenagers in September of 2012.
Made up of over 200 people who filled the town with a carnival atmosphere, Happy Days in Shrewsbury took place in the town’s beautiful medieval centre. Raising over £10,000, it was a celebration of community, music and talent all in glorious sunshine. It also raised awareness and funds for The Shrewsbury Ark - a charity that had supported Ben in recent years and meant a huge amount to him.

A known busker within the town, Ben was an excellent musician and would often play his guitar in some late great impromptu jams. Other muses would join him after-hours and perform standards and original so...

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Busker to perform 100 hour gig by BC on Jan 18, 2010
:surprised2: Hard-working busker Derek Allan is about to embark on his toughest gig yet - playing 10 sets of 10 hours in 10 different venues.
The singer-songwriter’s fundraising efforts will see him play for 10 consecutive nights as he pulls out all the stops to help Grace House Hospice Appeal to reach its latest target.

And not content with that, he is issuing a universal offer of help to any small charities or individuals who need a helping hand getting together the money they need.

Derek, 34, from Red Row in Northumberland, first came to the attention of Journal readers when he performed seven consecutive 12-hour gigs in seven different Northumberland pubs, with no backing group.

The exertion left Derek, who suffers from epilepsy, exhausted and he almost fainted several times during the g...

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New angle on installation art busking by BC on Sep 1, 2014
:surprised2: (PRAGUE) Two installation artists have demonstrated a new technique for the ancient display of levitation. Here, we find the forces of physics re-worked in street-performing and busking.
For centuries, Indian yogis have claimed to have mastered the powers of levitation. In reality, they've simply managed to tap into fundamental design principles and basic physics. The optical illusion results in a stunning presentation of levitation.

A few weeks ago, Michael Shermer, founder of Skeptic Magazine and the Skeptics Society, posted a photo on his Twitter account resulting in this world-wide revelation of clever busking feats.

While the installation art of the single guru floating has already been seen, we now have not one but two gurus on display without the need for any installation....

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