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Top songs for Buskers by BC on Jun 4, 2023
:horn: (WWW) Before the advent of the internet, buskers had to figure out which songs were popular enough to perform in public. Now, we can simply surf the net and and learn in a matter of seconds.
Of course, sprinkling the list with an original here and there is always an option. But it all depends on the pitch and audience. Some songs are drunken sing-alongs and others are thoughtful hits. One thing most have in common is a upbeat rhythm.

Two lists we've found cover the "best" songs to play. One list has 31 recommendations and the other has a top 7.

TOP 7:

1. Friends in low places
2. Summer of '69
3. Sweet Caroline
4. 3a.m.
5. When I come around
6. Free Fallin'
7. Livin' on a Prayer

These are mostly 1990's songs that tend to go over well. However, the seasoned busker will have at least one song by the Beatles...

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Why I Love Buskers (+ videos) by BC on Jun 1, 2014
:spotlight: (donna9376) Mаnу реорlе whо see a buѕkеr оn thе ѕtrееt have nо specific еmоtiоnѕ tоwаrdѕ thеm. They think оf buѕkеrѕ аѕ реѕtѕ оr in ѕоmе wау a nuiѕаnсе tо thеir timе ѕреnt on thе ѕtrееt.
I say "nо wау!" Buskers are a bеаutiful tradition thаt muѕt bе encouraged and сеlеbrаtеd for thе service thеу provide оn оur high streets. Hеrе iѕ why I lоvе buskers ѕо muсh.

Firѕt аnd fоrеmоѕt, it'ѕ a frее performance! The guys with thе gutѕ tо gо оut аnd buѕk аrе mostly talented muѕiсiаnѕ. If реорlе took thе timе tо pay аttеntiоn to thеir sets, thеу'd nоtiсе thаt thеir lосаl high ѕtrееt wаѕ bеing blеѕѕеd with a рrоfеѕѕiоnаl performance аnd thеу dоn't HAVE to pay for it!

Secondly, busking iѕ a trаditiоn! Strееt реrfоrmаnсе in thе UK, Europe, аnd bеуоnd dаtеѕ bасk hundrеdѕ аnd аrguаblу thousands of уе...

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Can an old fart start? by SteveCThomas on Sep 24, 2010
I have been thinking a lot about doing a little busking, just for fun. I used to play in bar bands and the like years ago and still play a bit now and then. I wonder if this is something that could quench my thirst for playing music, telling stories, and just plain showing off.

I would love to hear stories of other ancient buskers especially just starting out.

I'm 60 by the way.

15th Annual BuskerBall by BC on Apr 3, 2023
:party: (NYC) Get ready for the 15th annual BuskerBall on April 22! A celebration of New York City’s vibrant street performance culture, the event is being held at Unit J
338 Moffatt Street, Brooklyn, NY.
This unique event will feature a selection of the city’s best buskers showcasing their musical talents and highlighting the importance of street performance to the cultural fabric of the city.

The BuskerBall isn’t just about music – it’s about celebrating the vital role that street performers play in the cultural life of New York City. These artists bring joy and inspiration to our streets creating shared experiences and fostering a sense of community among city dwellers.

By supporting street performance, we can help to ensure that the arts remain accessible to all - regardless of economic status or social ba...

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Cirque du Soleil celebrates 25th anniversary by BC on Jun 8, 2009
MONTREAL (AFP) — Canadian acrobatic troupe Cirque du Soleil, created in 1984 and now performing in all corners of the world, is celebrating its silver anniversary with the launch of its 25th show "Ovo," about insects.

The circus company, with 19 traveling and permanent shows now playing, sold 11 million tickets worldwide last year and has brought wonder and delight to almost 90 million spectators in over 200 cities on five continents since 1984.

What started as a ragtag group of 20 street performers has blossomed into a global entertainment empire with an estimated net worth of three billion dollars and 4,000 employees in 40 countries.

Founded by former fire-eater Guy Laliberte, whose idea to transform circus acrobatics into sensational, plot-driven theatre has revolutionized this sector of the entertainment industry, it has however always remained true to its root

The performers originate from n...

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