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Settlement ends Naked Cowboy suit by BC on Nov 16, 2008
:guitar: Briefly put, the Naked Cowboy and candy giant Mars reached a down-to-earth settlement in Federal Court Friday over a Times Square billboard.

No one's talking, least of all the normally voluble Robert Burck, who parades around the Crossroads of the World in his skivvies, strumming a guitar and urging passersby to think of him as God.

Burck sued Mars for millions last winter, alleging two Times Square billboards and a mural that depicted a guitar-wielding M&M candy in tight white shorts gave the impression that he's endorsing their product.

Last June, Federal Judge Denny Chin ruled the Cowboy's suit accusing Mars of "false endorsement" could continue.

The suit was resolved Friday with a closed-door settlement.

By Owen Moritz


Key West buskers ponder fate by BC on Jul 11, 2010
:scrooge: (KEY WEST) It may be lights out for buskers and street performers on Florida's popular and most southern island.
Key West city commissioners on Tuesday approved the first reading of an ordinance that would put stricter controls on where some 220 license-holding street performers set up their act or wares on Duval Street.

Performers also would not be allowed at Mallory Square. Other restricted areas: Wall Street; in front federal, state or local government buildings; in front of churches and theaters; the Key West Bight harbor walk; the Truman Waterfront; and the Southernmost Point.


Coffs Harbour busking policy goes wonky by BC on May 9, 2010
:hair: (AUSTRALIA) The Coffs Harbour City Council's busking policy continues to rage by charging buskers $12 per day to perform.

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Busker begins effort to halt deportation by BC on Apr 30, 2010
:headstand: (BOULDER) A popular Pearl Street Mall busker is fighting deportation. Contortionist Ibashi-i Brown will meet with INS officials to learn his fate.

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New rules considered for Venice Beach Boardwalk by BC on Dec 17, 2009
:tied: (VENICE BEACH) The Venice Beach boardwalk is known as a happening place. However, the Los Angeles City Council thinks there may be too much going on there.
After receiving hundreds of complaints from area residents over the past year, the council has asked city lawyers to draw up some new rules. The new rules could include a ban on musical instruments and amplified sound between sunset and 9 A.M.

The council wants to crack down on street performers that draw big crowds and clog the boardwalk. The council also wants to limit the size and number of demonstrations. Many people consider the boardwalk a free speech zone.

Councilman Bill Rosendahl says it's the first step toward creating a more peaceful environment for boardwalk business owners, residents and thousands of visitors.



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